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up until late 1800’s, all crops were grown using organic fertilizers. These fertilizers were in the form of composts and manures. Farm animals not only worked the land and provided food for people but also the manures that fed the plants. Not only did people use composted plants and manures but they also made teas to water their crops. These teas were always aerobic because people didn’t really have a way of aerating their teas back in the day.
The farming techniques of our ancestors were basic … but they worked!
Any living organism and all of its waste can be used to create fertilizers.


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High pure water filters
20% discount code: CALIGREEN
Chemical free water is important to the health of beneficial microbes. Reverse Osmosis filtered water allows me to maintain high levels of microbes. I use in teas, foliar sprays ans especially for compost teas. Its my secret weapon!!!

Blue Planet Nutrients
10% off coupon: CALIGREEN
Seaweed extract contains over 70 trace minerals in small amounts. Its also good microbe food. Seaweed contains natural growth hormones that give you explosive growth and help develop heavy flowers. Mycorrhizae is a type of fungi that attaches to your plants roots and creates a symbiotic relationship. Mycorrhizae absorbs nutrients from the soil and trades your plants for carbs. This found everywhere in nature and is 10000% organic, beneficial and natural

Vermiterra Earthworm Castings
10% off discount code: CALIGREEN
Worm castings are worm poop! worm poop contains small amounts of available nutrients but of all it contains MICROBES! and lots of it. Worm castings have the ability to hold water and nutrients until your plant is ready to take them up. Its also fertile grounds for microbes to multply. Vermiterra also makes a great worm casting tea that makes it easy to water deep into your root zone.

The Medical Benefits of Cannabis


The Medical Benefits of Cannabis

There are several reasons to use cannabis. It can increase sexual desire and satisfaction, and it can even enhance spiritual development. But be aware that it may have serious short-term side effects. Some people report feeling anxious or uneasiness after using cannabis. This can be a sign of accidentally consuming too much THC. While waiting for the effects to wear off, take steps to care for yourself. Listed below are some things to keep in mind when using cannabis.

One of the benefits of cannabis is its ability to mimic the effects of the endocannabinoid system. This system contains receptors and enzymes that regulate bodily functions and affect our experience of pain. Researchers have found that cannabis-related products are effective in alleviating chronic pain, and have developed multiple forms of cannabis oil. Among these are cannabis oil and topical pain relief treatments. Other forms of cannabis include edibles and non-smoking applications.

A recent review of published scientific literature on cannabis found that it was helpful in reducing symptoms of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder. Nonetheless, the authors caution that cannabis is not a treatment for some mental illnesses, including anxiety. Still, they found that cannabis can reduce the symptoms of social anxiety, and that there may be a link between anxiety and the use of cannabis. But the research is far from conclusive, so more studies are needed to make a definitive conclusion.

Despite its negative side effects, cannabis has long been used as a treatment for nausea and vomiting. It has also been used to treat nausea and vomiting, though many people have difficulty identifying its causes. For this reason, cannabis-based medicine has received much more attention in the medical community in the last few years. However, the benefits outweigh any risks. It is important to keep in mind that cannabis can help to alleviate symptoms of nausea and vomiting, so it should be used in moderation.

As with any drug, cannabis has different side effects in different individuals. For this reason, it’s important to consult your doctor before using any cannabis product. Likewise, if you have any underlying lung conditions, using cannabis in vaporized form is not recommended. This could cause severe respiratory problems. Regardless of the effects, it’s to consult your doctor before experimenting with cannabis. You’ll be glad you did. Its medical benefits have helped millions of people worldwide.

Medical cannabis refers to pharmaceutical products that contain . These include nabiximols (Sativex(r)) and synthetic like Dronabinol. Sativex has been approved in over twenty countries for treating spasticity in patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. Some dispensaries sell cannabis products that contain a combination of THC and CBD. These are generally not approved by the Food and Drug Administration or FDA and contain other ingredients.

In addition to reducing inflammation, cannabis may also reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and cancer. In addition, it may be a safer alternative to benzodiazepines and opioids, which contribute to thousands of accidental drug overdoses each year. Moreover, cannabis can improve sleep and help people with chronic diseases get better sleep. Even though cannabis has not been proven to be a cure for cancer or HIV, the positive effects of it are worth investigating.

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